BI1013 - Avenging Eagle Crest by Kris
A traditional pattern for patriotic quilts
Sure to be a hit! This patriotic pattern is based on historical sources. The popular avenging eagle motif is great for traditional style quilts. Patterns are provided 10" and 15" high in all formats. NOTE - This pattern has a rustic look and may not be as smooth as many of our patterns. For a more exacting version of this eagle, please select MI1003.

BI1014 - Peacock 1 - Bird and Fan Motif
A sylized peacock and feather fan complement AO1022
This stylized peacock with his tail feathers spread makes a great focal point - especially when sewn out with varigated metalics or embroidery thread. The feather fan is equally as attractive. Combine these with AO1022 for a coordinated look. Both patterns are provided at 10", but sew out reasonably well at 5".

BI1015 - Victorian Bird and Vine 1
This lovely pattern features a detailed bird connected by a simple ribbon of leaves.
Inspired by a Victorian Stencil, this pattern is provided 10 inches high, but sews out fine at 5 inches. An alternate row is provided as well as a note as to how to place the needle so that they interlock from row to row.

BI1016 - Frisky Penguins - All Over Plus Motifs
6 playful penguins frolic across your quilt.
A special request for Lena! Pattern includes 6 motifs, an All Over pattern and an alternate row for the All Over pattern. Motifs are provided 8" high, and the all over pattern is provided at 10" high BUT sews out fine at 5" in our tests.

BI1017 - Feathered Friends 1 - Border Pattern
Simple and quick sewing.
Pair this simple pattern with our Birdhouse pattern for a delightful look! There is no overstitching. REDIGITIZED at 8" HIGH for all three formats PLUS a special 5" version for the PC Quilter.

BI1018 - Feathered Friends 2 - In the Pines, All Over or Border
Feathered friends amid pine boughs are a great compliment to a winter quilt.
Looking for a seasonal pattern that is not holidays? These feathered friends are a great alternative. A cardinal, finch and jay peek out from pine boughs. This pattern is relatively fast sewing and is provided 10" high, BUT is easily resizable and sews out nicely from 5" to 12" high

BI1019 - Feathered Friends 3 - In the Bush, All Over or Border
Feathered friends peak out from a summery vine.
A great all over or border pattern. 3 different birds - a cardinal, finch and a jay hop among the leaves. Pattern is provided 8" high with a special 5" version for the PC Quilter. An alternate row is provided for more variation

BI1020 - Feathered Friends 4 - Motifs
3 simple motifs
You control where to place these perky avians. 3 different birds - a cardinal, a finch and a jay are great for a summertime quilt with lots of florals, etc. Patterns are very fast sewing with no overstitching.

BI1021 - Soaring Eagle - All Over or Border
An all over pattern with alternating rows.
Provided 8" tall. 5" version also included for PC Quilter users.

BI1022 - Soaring Eagle with Stars1 - All Over or Border
An all over pattern with alternating rows.
A great touch for a patriotic quilt. Provided 8" high (5" patterns are also enclosed for PC Quilter users).

BI1023 - Cockatoo Motif 1
Detailed pattern with a fair amount of overstitching
A great detailed pattern! Use with our parrot motifs, or on it's own. Provided at 12" in all formats, but easily resizable. Smaller sizes should be sewn out very slowly with a short stitch length to preserve detail.

BI1025 - Elegant Peacock - 3 color and 1 color design
Our first multi color pattern also in a continuously sewn single color. First of a set.
This pattern turned out INCREDIBLE in our tests! The single color version is provided at 15" but sews out fine as small as 8" and as large as 20". The three color version is provided in 9", 10", 12" and 15" versions and CANNOT be resized. (NOTE - Statler users have ONE file only as their software allows for color changes and resizing) For best results you should baste for the 3 color version of this pattern as it will ensure you have good placement for subsequent colors. Each "pattern" is actually 4 patterns with the appropriate courtesy/registration jumps. (NOTE - Intelliquilter users need to assemble the four patterns that make up the set on their display before sewing). As a bonus, we've included a Pro-Q Designer file for EACH of the four sizes so that you can make minor adjustments or create more sizes.

BI1026 - Soaring Higher E2E
Soar high with this quick sewing, yet detailed avian.
Provided 10" high, this soaring bird is fairly quick sewing with minimal overstitching. We tested him from 7" - 15" and he sewed out nicely all all sizes. Pattern is designed to be sewn row after row and instructions on how much to overlap are included.

BI1027 - Bird in My Garden Panto
A bird on the quilt is worth two in the bush!
A lovely was to add a special look to a garden theme quilt! Our bird is busy sucking nectar from a large, bloom. Provided 12" high, this pattern sewed out effectively in our tests from 9" to 18".

BI1028 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 01
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1029 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 02
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1030 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 03
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1031 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 04
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1032 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 05
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1033 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 06
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1034 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 07
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1035 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 08
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1036 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 09
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1037 - Exotic Birds 1: Mix-N-Match 10
Part of the Exotic Birds Series of Edge to Edge Patterns
All of the patterns in this series are provided at 10 inches tall and 25 inches wide. They all start at the upper left corner and can be repeated as an edge to edge or can be chained together to create a unique look. Use all of the patterns in this series in a continuous chain to create a unique panorama of exotic birds. Patterns are especially effective when sewn from 8" - 18" tall.

BI1038 - Simple Heron - E2E
A simple, yet detailed exotic bird design for edge to edge quilting
While many people love our exotic birds series, there are times when such a detailed pattern won't do. This Heron pattern is provided 12" tall, but we tested it from 5" to 14" with good results. It has a slight overlap and is designed to be sewn row after row.

BI1039 - Regal Bird Portrait - E2E
A unique pattern that when executed creates a diagonal stripe!
This pattern wins out when the whole bird it just too much. Provided 12" tall, we tested from 6" to 15" with good results. Sewn row after row, a slight overlap is required, but there is some flexibility on depth.

BI1040 - Bird Gallery - Owl Motif
1 of 10 patterns that compliment each other (BI1040 - BI1049).
Simple and fast-sewing with just the right amount of detail. Each pattern in this series is provided with a maximum size of 10" - either in width of height. While some of the pattern lend themselves to be sewn out much larger or smaller, for some tastes, some may be too open at very large sizes or too dense at small sizes. We tested patterns in this series from 50% to 150% of their original size with no issues.

BI1041 - Bird Gallery - Big Beak Bird Motif
1 of 10 patterns that compliment each other (BI1040 - BI1049).
Simple and fast-sewing with just the right amount of detail. Each pattern in this series is provided with a maximum size of 10" - either in width of height. While some of the pattern lend themselves to be sewn out much larger or smaller, for some tastes, some may be too open at very large sizes or too dense at small sizes. We tested patterns in this series from 50% to 150% of their original size with no issues.

BI1042 - Bird Gallery - Fancy Bird Motif
1 of 10 patterns that compliment each other (BI1040 - BI1049).
Simple and fast-sewing with just the right amount of detail. Each pattern in this series is provided with a maximum size of 10" - either in width of height. While some of the pattern lend themselves to be sewn out much larger or smaller, for some tastes, some may be too open at very large sizes or too dense at small sizes. We tested patterns in this series from 50% to 150% of their original size with no issues.

BI1043 - Bird Gallery - Swan Motif
1 of 10 patterns that compliment each other (BI1040 - BI1049).
Simple and fast-sewing with just the right amount of detail. Each pattern in this series is provided with a maximum size of 10" - either in width of height. While some of the pattern lend themselves to be sewn out much larger or smaller, for some tastes, some may be too open at very large sizes or too dense at small sizes. We tested patterns in this series from 50% to 150% of their original size with no issues.

BI1044 - Bird Gallery - Hummingbird Motif
1 of 10 patterns that compliment each other (BI1040 - BI1049).
Simple and fast-sewing with just the right amount of detail. Each pattern in this series is provided with a maximum size of 10" - either in width of height. While some of the pattern lend themselves to be sewn out much larger or smaller, for some tastes, some may be too open at very large sizes or too dense at small sizes. We tested patterns in this series from 50% to 150% of their original size with no issues.

BI1045 - Bird Gallery - Finch Motif
1 of 10 patterns that compliment each other (BI1040 - BI1049).
Simple and fast-sewing with just the right amount of detail. Each pattern in this series is provided with a maximum size of 10" - either in width of height. While some of the pattern lend themselves to be sewn out much larger or smaller, for some tastes, some may be too open at very large sizes or too dense at small sizes. We tested patterns in this series from 50% to 150% of their original size with no issues.